Sell with Pepa Lamarca

Pepa Lamarca has a long and successful past conducting private sales on the international luxury handbag market, always offering the finest and rarest examples of the most collectible bags. The relationships with the leading collectors from around the world allow us to reach the right potential buyer and sell your handbag getting the strongest results, either privately in a face-to-face transaction in our showroom of Barcelona or through our online platform via direct sale at a fixed price or at our auctions.

We also offer the option to sell your bag or collection directly to us and without waiting. This is the fastest way to sell your item once it has been received, authenticated and our offer has been accepted, as long as it meet our acquisition criteria. While we try to offer outright purchase as often as possible, there are items that we prefer to take on consignment. Either way, at Pepa Lamarca we make it simple to sell your bag.

Knowledge culture

The ability to consistently produce best prices and returns to consignors is a direct result of experience, depth of expertise and particularly discerning eye. You can be comfortable knowing we have a firm sense of what it's worth your handbag and that makes a huge difference when it comes to ensuring that you receive the best price.

Prospective audience

We've consistently had success as specialists for selling luxury handbags with a very special emphasis on the rarest and highly collectible pieces so if you are thinking to sell your bag collection, let us help you realise the highest price and we take care of everything.

Responsibility and Personal data

Pepa Lamarca is firmly committed to conducting its business responsibly and protecting client confidential information and personal data and, therefore, will not be divulged to any third party under no circumstances.

Request a Valuation

If you’re interested in selling your item, the first step is to get in touch with us for a valuation. You can request an in-person appointment at our Showroom or access our online valuation service. All sale enquiries are treated with the utmost privacy and confidentiality.

Submit images and details

Send us clear colour photographs of your item including front and back, top and bottom, the interior and maker signatures or marks, through our easy-to-use online request form or via email at

Appropriate for sale

Our specialists will review your submission and once we have determined that your item is appropriate for sale and meets our quality standards and minimum consignment value, we will provide a preliminary valuation and will recommend the best approach to sell your item and achieved the best prices. All valuation estimates are preliminary and may be subject to change upon physical examination of the item.

Please note

We only offer specific valuations for items that meets our quality standards and minimum consignment value. Pepa Lamarca estimates is a statement of opinion and should not be considered proof of authenticity, a guaranteed offer to purchase, or a guarantee of selling price likewise, are not formal documents for insurance, taxes or estate valuations and cannot be used as such.


Before you sell your item with Pepa Lamarca, you will need to sign a Seller's Agreement. This is the contract that confirms the services and sets out the terms and conditions upon which your item will be offered for sale at Pepa Lamarca.

Seller's Commission

We will charge a Seller's Commission rate for the services we provide based on the details set out in the Consignment Agreement. In general speaking, this rate also includes marketing costs and insurance cover.

Miscellaneous service

You may also be charged for other external services such as shipping and others but these will be discussed and agreed with you beforehand. VAT (value-added tax) or applicable duties or taxes may be due on such fees. Each situation and consignment is unique and will receive tailored attention to study and define the applicable seller's commission rate in each case.

Sale channels

Pepa Lamarca offers a range of ways to sell, whether through its online platform via Buy Now for immediate purchase at a fixed price and online-only auction or through private sales in person at its showroom in Barcelona. Each situation and consignment is unique and our team will further discuss with you the most appropriate way to achieve the highest value for your item or collection.

Shipping arrangements

Once you have signed the agreement, our staff can advise you on how to transport your item to us using your own shipper or one of our shipping partners in your area to safely arrive at our office or warehouse. Should it be deemed necessary and by the mutual agreement between the seller and Pepa Lamarca, the item will remain in the hands of its owner, until the sale has been made successfully.


Contact us via online chat, email or phone:

Barcelona, Spain
Monday – Friday, 10:00 – 19:00
Tel:' + 34 935 258 754

Chat with us

You can quickly resolve questions about your orders and service. Chat is available Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 17:00.

Email us

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Set an appointment

Come to visit us and be able to look at our products.

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